Can Selenium Supplementation Increase Testosterone in Men?

As men grow older, maintaining healthy testosterone levels becomes increasingly challenging. Certain minerals like zinc and vitamin D are already well established as supporting healthy testosterone production. But emerging research suggests the trace mineral selenium may also influence testosterone concentrations in men. This article reviews the current scientific literature surrounding selenium and testosterone. Selenium and … Read more

Does Garlic Increase Testosterone Levels? Understanding The Science

Testosterone offers multifaceted health benefits for men spanning fitness, virility, and vitality. Seeking natural ways to elevate the body’s own testosterone production has become a key men’s health priority. Among age-old herbal remedies, garlic stands out for its widespread medicinal applications. But can regularly eating garlic truly increase testosterone levels as is sometimes claimed? Let’s … Read more

Can Creatine Increase Testosterone?

Introduction Creatine is one of the most widely used sports supplements, taken to enhance strength, muscle mass, and exercise performance. But some claim creatine offers additional benefits – including boosting testosterone production in men. In this detailed article, we analyze the science on creatine and testosterone. What Does Creatine Do in the Body? First, what … Read more

Does Vitamin K Increase Testosterone Levels? Examining The Evidence

From vitamin D to zinc, several essential micro nutrients clearly support healthy testosterone production. But what about vitamin K? Traces online suggest the fat-soluble vitamin may also hold relevance for testosterone balance. Yet concrete details remain scarce. This article scrutinizes the current science surrounding vitamin K status and testosterone in men.  Vitamin K Background Most … Read more