Does Aloe Vera Increase Testosterone Levels? Know Science

Aloe vera is an ancient medicinal plant known for its healing properties. In recent years, aloe Vera has gained attention from men looking to naturally boost low testosterone. But does consuming aloe vera actually increase testosterone production in males? In this science-based analysis, we scrutinize evidence behind supplementation theories. 

Examining Theoretical Mechanisms

Chemical compounds found in the clear inner leaf gel of aloe include hormones, vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fatty acids and more. A few components may influence hormone pathways:

  • Vitamin B12 – essential for testosterone synthesis
  • Folic acid – assists normal sperm and testosterone
  • Antioxidants – prevent testosterone deterioration 

Additionally, early rodent research in 2009 showed increased testosterone and sperm production with aloe supplements. This provided a theoretical basis that aloe consumption may also elevate testosterone in human males. However, further clinical trials remained vital to validate preliminary findings.

Key Points on Mechanistic Theories:

  • – Contains compounds involved in testosterone production
  • – Rat studies found testosterone elevating effects
  • – Quality human data required to confirm effects

Review of Clinical Trials on Aloe and Testosterone

Since the promising rodent study, several human clinical experiments tested effects of various aloe vera preparations on male testosterone levels. Unfortunately, the majority found zero impact.

In the first direct human trial, researchers supplemented middle-aged males with aloe juice for 3 months. Disappointingly, no significant increase occurred in total or free testosterone versus unsupplemented men.

Likewise, two further experiments administering aloe extracts to healthy athletic men both found no boosting effects on circulating testosterone or muscle gain over 6 week durations.

In summary, current clinical evidence firmly disproves preliminary theories about aloe vera modulation of the human male endocrine system. Any benefits likely rely on other mechanisms.

Details From Human Studies:

  • – 3-6 month trials with aloe juice/extracts
  • – No increase seen in total or free testosterone 
  • – Also no enhancement of muscle gain/strength
  • – Theories about testosterone boosting now firmly disproven

Other Potential Health Benefits

While aloe supplementation fails to directly influence hormones or training adaptations, research identifies other health advantages:

  • – Assisting blood sugar regulation
  • – Soothing gastrointestinal inflammation 
  • – Hydration and nutritional support

So including aloe as part of a balanced diet generally aligns with healthy lifestyle principles. Just no specific testosterone properties based on quality clinical data.


Contrary to popular male enhancement theories, current scientific evidence conclusively confirms aloe vera does not raise baseline testosterone or androgen production when supplemented in various forms. Nor does it enhance strength training outcomes like lean muscle accruement. While supplying useful nutrition, aloe shows no reliable ergogenic or endocrine effects related to body composition or sexual health according to well-controlled experiments. For improving low testosterone, standard medical treatments remain necessary rather than natural aloe supplementation.