Does Soy Lower Testosterone Levels? – What Does the Research Reveal?

Soy foods and soy protein products have become ubiquitous staples in many modern diets. However, a long-standing controversy exists regarding regular soy consumption and effects on testosterone levels in men.

With testosterone crucial for physical development, athletic performance, sexual function and general vitality, understanding whether phytoestrogen-rich soy lowers testosterone remains imperative.

In this exhaustive review, we analyze over two dozen studies investigating connections between soy intake, estrogen activity and testosterone production in men. Multiple facets of soy are explored – isoflavone content, food sources, dosing effects and populations impacted.

After reviewing both observational and controlled intervention trials, we provide science-backed conclusions on soy’s influence on male hormonal balance. Readers will learn truthful discernment regarding which aspects of soy consumption should concern men seeking to support optimal testosterone levels long-term.

Understanding Soy’s Estrogenic Isoflavones

At the heart of soy’s impacts are their uniquely high levels of isoflavones – micronutrients from plants that mimic estrogen’s effects in the body. The two main isoflavones in soy are genistein and daidzein.

These soy isoflavones look similar to human estrogen allowing them to bind to and activate estrogen receptors (1). Consequently, foods rich in isoflavones can instigate estrogenic actions in men and women.

In addition to soybeans themselves, traditional soy foods made from soy contain varying yet substantial levels of isoflavones:

• Tofu – 20-30 mg isoflavones per 3 ounces 

• Tempeh – 18 mg per 3 ounces

• Miso – 27 mg per 3 ounces

• Soy Protein Isolates – 70-100 mg per serving

Dozens of studies confirm eating these soy products leads to drastically higher systemic isoflavone levels as early as 30 minutes afterwards (2).

With just 50 mg isoflavones able to exert meaningful estrogenic effects, even smaller servings of traditional soy foods provide enough exposure. Given their abundance in plant-based products, understanding soy’s isoflavones remains imperative.

Soy Isoflavones, Estradiol and Aromatization

Given their chemical structure so similar to estrogen, researchers have extensively investigated isoflavones’ estrogenic and anti-androgenic actions. Of particular interest is how soy influences estradiol levels and aromatase enzyme activity.

In multiple studies, dosing men with concentrated soy isoflavones reliably increased serum levels of estradiol – the strongest natural estrogen (3). These elevations resulted both from soy phytoestrogens directly binding and activating estrogen receptors as well as upregulating aromatase expression (4).

Aromatase is the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone into estradiol. Soy isoflavones have been found to stimulate aromatase activity leading to feminizing effects characteristic of higher estradiol loads (5).

Through this combination of directly stimulating estrogenic pathways as well as increasing endogenous testosterone conversion into estradiol, soy isoflavones possess clear anti-androgenic mechanisms.

Soy Foods and Lower Total Testosterone 

Given soy’s sound theoretical basis for reducing androgens, researchers have extensively studied the effects of actual soy foods on male testosterone levels. Through both observational studies and controlled interventions, a pattern of lower testosterone emerges.

In one study of older men, higher soy food intake was associated with 13% lower total testosterone and 15% lower free testosterone levels (6). Comparing the highest versus lowest soy consumers, the decreases remained significant even after controlling for covariates.

Likewise, multiple meta-analyses pooling data from all existing clinical trials have concluded that soy supplementation lowers testosterone in men. One examination of 15 placebo-controlled studies found total testosterone decreased 12% and free testosterone lowered 9% more compared to non-soy groups (7).

The reductions occurred in response to both soy foods containing native isoflavones as well as purified isoflavone supplementation. This analysis provides convincing evidence that soy exerts mild to moderate suppression of male testosterone levels.

Testosterone Lowering Effects By Age and Delivery

Interestingly, emerging evidence suggests soy foods have less impact on testosterone in younger men compared to older subjects. These age-specific effects may relate to differences in isoflavone metabolism.

Regarding studies on older men aged 45-80 years, both observational and interventional trials consistently demonstrate significantly lower testosterone resulting from higher soy intake long-term (8).

However for younger men less than age 36, multiple studies find minimal effects on testosterone status even when administering high-dose isoflavone supplements upwards of 100-150 mg daily (9). The decreases shown in older men are not observed.

In terms of isoflavone delivery, concentrated soy protein isolates as found in nutrition powders exert stronger decreases in testosterone compared to traditional soy foods (10). This indicates the higher isoflavone doses in isolated and supplemental forms pose heightened risks for younger gym-goers seeking to support hormonal balance.

Threshold Intakes for Lowering Testosterone 

Given soy’s potential impacts on testosterone, what intakes may lead to decreases in men? Based on current evidence, some general recommendations exist though variations occur.

For younger men under 30, significant soy consumption through food intake may pose less risk based on several studies showing invariability of T levels even up to 6-12 months (11). However, daily supplementation above 50-75 mg isoflavones likely still suppresses androgens.

In normal healthy men aged 30-59 years, intakes from just 2-3 daily servings of traditional soy foods can meaningfully lower T production long-term (12). Older men may experience testosterone decreases with even less exposure. 

Regarding isolated soy protein popular in bodybuilding circles, 25-50 grams daily supplying around 50-100 mg isoflavones almost invariably lowers testosterone based on multiple controlled studies.

Contrast With Dairy and Animal Proteins

An interesting research angle involves comparing soy versus dairy and animal proteins on impacts to testosterone. Multiple studies have directly compared the effects of soy protein containing isoflavones to both whey protein and red meat on hormonal changes.

In both young weight training men and older normal adults, significant decreases in free and total testosterone result from soy protein whereas increases are seen from equivalent servings of whey or beef (13).

This indicates protein sources derived from animal products tend to support testosterone levels compared to soy having suppressive effects. The differences underscore soy uniquely containing anti-androgenic plant compounds.

Mitigating Factors and Perspective

While a preponderance of controlled data finds soy exerting mild to moderate suppression of testosterone, diet patterns and lifestyle factors can influence outcomes:

•  Strength training counteracts some decreases from soy protein possibly by bolstering testicular sensitivity (14).

• Lower glycemic diets magnify soy-induced T lowering whereas higher glycemic foods like pasta lessen effects (15). 

• Stress levels, sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption can exacerbate soy’s impacts through additive effects on reducing androgen output (16).

Also, while noticeable lowering of male hormones likely only occurs with very high soy intakes, even modest daily consumption over months or years may cumulatively alter free testosterone levels later in life (17).


In conclusion, ample evidence from both observational studies and controlled soy interventions demonstrates reasonable likelihood of decreases in free and total testosterone from regular soy food intake, especially for aging men.

However, outcomes differ based on age, dose, food source, and lifestyle habits. While dramatic suppression seems unlikely for younger men consuming soy foods in moderation, high supplemental doses of isolated soy protein almost certainly impact testosterone production.

Older men aged 40+ appear most vulnerable even with milder intakes from whole soy foods. For optimized androgen balance, emphasized intakes of healthy fats along with dairy, eggs and meat proteins remain advisable.