Can Eating Avocados Boost Testosterone in Men? Examining the Science

As men age, maintaining healthy testosterone levels becomes increasingly challenging. Testosterone declines gradually from the 30s onward, causing unwelcome symptoms like low energy, reduced muscle mass, and decreased libido. With low testosterone prevalence growing, nutritional strategies that may support testosterone interest men seeking natural solutions. This article objectively investigates whether science supports avocados for boosting testosterone.

How Might Avocados Influence Testosterone?

Avocados contain specific compounds and nutrients that, in theory, may help facilitate testosterone production and balance:

Monounsaturated Fats

Avocados provide abundant monounsaturated oleic acid, a heart healthy fat. Some research indicates diets richer in monounsaturated fats may help limit age-related testosterone decline compared to diets very high in saturated fats.


Each avocado supplies around 20 micrograms of the mineral boron. Studies reveal boron regulates sex steroid hormones, and boron supplementation increased free testosterone levels in older men by roughly 28% in just 7 days.

Vitamin K

With 31% the RDA per avocado, vitamin K assists blood clotting while also influencing steroidogenesis enzymes relevant to testosterone synthesis like CYP11A1. 

These mechanisms provide plausibility for avocados to support healthy testosterone. But what does the clinical evidence actually show?

Reviewing the Research on Avocados and Testosterone

Unfortunately, no studies have directly examined the effects of avocado intake on testosterone levels in human men. This lack of research may soon change given increasing interest in avocados for male health.

However, some early findings highlight why avocados likely deserve more scientific attention related to men’s wellness:

In one study, overweight men added one avocado per day to their typical diet for twelve weeks. Compared to the control group, the avocado consumers experienced significantly larger increases in soluble fiber, lutein and zeaxanthin status. They also lost significantly more total body weight, BMI and percentage body fat. Lean mass increased only in the avocado group. 

While this study did not track testosterone specifically, lowering body fat percentage while increasing lean mass are well evidenced strategies to support healthy testosterone. The mechanisms discussed earlier by which avocados might influence T production also lend plausibility.

Avocado and weight loss

The smooth, creamy taste of avocado makes it a satiating addition to any weight loss plan. Paired with phenq, a supplement that may boost metabolism and curb appetite, avocados become a dynamic duo. The healthy fats and fiber in avocado help you feel full and phenq uk diet supplement enhances those effects. Together, they provide a one-two punch to help diminish hunger pangs. So drizzle that avocado over a salad or smash it on toast for a delicious way to help drop those pounds. Stay motivated knowing these two aids work with your body so you can attain your goals.

The Takeaway Based on Current Evidence

In conclusion, while no studies yet directly link avocado intake to boosted testosterone levels, avocados do provide specific compounds and nutritional qualities associated with optimizing male hormonal balance. The fat profile, vitamin K and boron content of avocados provide scientific rationale to hypothesize benefits. However, controlled trials specifically measuring resulting testosterone changes in males of differing ages would offer more definitive clarity around efficacy and dosing needs. Given promising foundations, hopefully research funding to nail down clear answers gets prioritized soon given expanding interest.