Does Oat Straw Increase Testosterone Levels? Examining The Evidence

Oat straw comes from the unripened Avena sativa plant, better known for producing oatmeal and cereal grains. Oat straw has been used in traditional medicine for centuries as a nerve tonic, but modern interest focuses on its potential testosterone benefits. Emerging research suggests oat straw may increase testosterone along multiple pathways. But just how convincing is the current evidence? Let’s analyze the science.

Background on Oat Straw

Green oat straw concentrate contains a range of bio active compounds including flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins, minerals, and unique avenanthramides exclusive to oats. These compounds give oat straw tentative anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and vasodilating properties that can favorably influence hormones.

Currently, only one human trial from 2011 has directly analyzed oat straw extract’s effects on testosterone. This double-blind study had 20 male subjects with erectile dysfunction take 1500mg/day of oat straw or placebo for 12 weeks. By the end, the oat straw group increased testosterone levels by 30% from baseline. Intriguingly, half the test subjects also had high cholesterol, indicating benefits regardless of lipid status. More clinical evidence is clearly needed, but this lone study provides a promising signal.

Potential Mechanisms Oat Straw May Increase Testosterone

Though clinical research is early, scientists have identified plausible pathways by which oat straw may enhance testosterone production and bio availability:

Improved blood flow to gonads by nitric oxide – Vessel-relaxing nitric oxide increases delivery of gonadotropins to stimulate testosterone synthesis. 

Decreased SHBG binding globulin – Lower sex hormone binding globulin leaves more free-flowing testosterone unbound.

Enhanced luteinize hormone signaling – LH stimulation of Leydig cell receptors in the testes spur testosterone secretion. 

Reduced estrogenic activity – Weak estrogenic effects prevent testosterone being metabolized into estrogen.

Increased libido pathways – Libido-enhancing avenanthramides promote desire associated with higher testosterone.

Of course, larger trials are vital for substantiating early indications from this preliminary evidence.

Practical Recommendations for Using Oat Straw

In the absence of more definitive proof, prudent recommendations for possibly benefitting from oat straw’s testosterone properties include:

Use concentrated 4:1 extracts – Standardized plain oat straw appears less reliable. Opt for high-quality extract supplements.

Dose appropriately – Research showing benefits used around 1500mg extract daily. Scale extract dosage to concentration strength.

Combine with workout nutrition – Taking oat straw before training may direct circulation benefits toward working muscles.  

Don’t replace proven T-boosters – Use oat straw as an add-on to central tactics like strength training, sleep optimization, and vitamin D.

Though still considered speculative, using oat straw extract would seem to have modest potential upside with little downside risk as part of a solid, natural testosterone elevation protocol.


Initial clinical and mechanistic insights suggest oat straw extract could contribute meaningful testosterone advantages, especially for older men experiencing declining T levels. However, larger scale trials on more subjects are imperative for substantiating early findings and determining optimal protocols. Still, the favorable safety profile of oat straw makes it an intriguing supplemental consideration for those implementing lifestyle changes to move the needle on their testosterone status. While not a T-boosting panacea, oat straw ultimately holds some promise.