Does Vitamin K Increase Testosterone Levels? Examining The Evidence

From vitamin D to zinc, several essential micro nutrients clearly support healthy testosterone production. But what about vitamin K? Traces online suggest the fat-soluble vitamin may also hold relevance for testosterone balance. Yet concrete details remain scarce. This article scrutinizes the current science surrounding vitamin K status and testosterone in men. 

Vitamin K Background

Most associate vitamin K with blood clotting and wound healing. But emerging science reveals vitamin K is also crucial for proper activation of proteins involved in mineral metabolism, oxidative stress regulation, inflammation control, and notably – steroid hormone activation.

Vitamin K exists in two primary forms: K1 called phylloquinone predominates in leafy plant foods while longer-chain K2 variants called menaquinones occur in meats, eggs, and full-fat fermented dairy. Supplement forms provide mostly menaquinone MK-4 and MK-7 types. Could any of these vitamin K forms influence testosterone?

Potential Mechanisms Vitamin K May Increase Testosterone

Though no studies yet directly link vitamin K levels to testosterone production or health outcomes, a mechanistic rationale exists for its potential relevance:

Enhanced testosterone action – Vitamin K activates protein kinase enzymes needed for optimal steroid receptor activity and gene signaling.

Increased testicular cholesterol transport – Vitamin K helps carry cholesterol into Leydig cells where test synthesis occurs via the StAR enzyme.

Decreased SHBG – Vitamin K lowers circulating SHBG levels, allowing greater ratios of free testosterone to stimulate target tissues. 

Boosted T precursor nutrients – By improving vitamin D3 and zinc retention, K indirectly supports pathways for testosterone biosynthesis.

Together, these functions suggest vitamin K indirectly holds influence over several keys aspects governing testosterone generation, binding, and functionality – though definitive proof remains absent.

Current Recommendations on Vitamin K and Test Levels

In the absence of direct evidence, current sensible recommendations surrounding vitamin K intake for supporting healthy testosterone equilibrium include:

Eat vitamin K rich foods – Leafy greens, Brussels sprouts, liver, eggs, and full-fat dairy provide dietary K1 and K2. Supplement non-dietary K2.

Take active K2 supplements – Menaquinone MK-7 form shows optimal absorption and bioavailability for raising serum K status.

Get adequate vitamin D – Optimize vitamin D3 levels between 40-60 ng/mL to enable cooperative metabolism of vitamins D and K.

Take K supplements before bed – Increased nighttime retention maximizes impact of fat-soluble vitamin K supplementation. 

Monitoring blood levels of K1 along with K2 forms provides personalized insight for optimizing intake. As a safe, inexpensive micronutrient, vitamin K demands consideration for supporting complete nutritional status.


In conclusion, no direct evidence yet links vitamin K intake or status with testosterone production or preponderance in men. However, plausible physiological mechanisms exist by which this essential fat-soluble vitamin may hold influence over several key aspects governing healthy testosterone generation – especially the K2 menaquinone forms. Further clinical studies are warranted to generate human data and refine dosage guidance. Still, ensuring adequate daily vitamin K intake from foods and targeted supplementation remains a wise general strategy that may also offer potential testosterone advantages.