Can Cardio Workouts Really Increase Testosterone Levels? Examining the Science

It’s often assumed that cardio exercise like jogging, cycling and metabolic conditioning spikes testosterone production. But what does scientific research actually demonstrate regarding different cardio modalities and their effects on testosterone metabolism? This article closely scrutinizes the latest evidence.

Acute vs. Chronic Hormone Effects

Like resistance training, cardio causes short-lived testosterone surges during exertion and for up to 60 minutes after finishing a workout. However, whether cardio chronically alters baseline daily testosterone exposure long-term depends largely on accumulated training burden and resulting impacts on testosterone biosynthesis and clearance rates.

Low to Moderate Intensity Cardio

In moderation, steady state cardio provides several metabolic benefits that support healthy total and free testosterone levels indirectly:

✅ Weight Loss – Shedding excess adiposity via cardio reduces aromatase enzyme activity thereby lowering estradiol levels while raising total testosterone.

✅ Insulin Sensitivity – By enhancing cellular insulin signaling, routine cardio helps stabilize blood glucose and minimize inflammation – two factors that can impair testicular testosterone production if unchecked long-term.

For these reasons, regular steady state cardio is often encouraged for hormonal balance. However, excessive volumes can reach tipping points that may negatively impact testosterone.

High Volume Endurance Training

When cardio duration and mileage exceed approximately 60-90 minutes per session, testosterone tends to decline dramatically in men over months/years of high volume training according to multiple metanalyses.

For example, this large systematic review found runners averaging over 100 km per week for years showed 15-20% lower testosterone on average compared to active controls. Levels remained suppressed until running volumes lowered allowing full hormonal recovery.


This dose-response matches other analyses showing testosterone drops accelerating once cardio duration or mileage exceeds peak physiological limits consistently. Through interconnected signaling pathways, the body downregulates reproductive metabolism to cope.

HIIT Cardio Effects

However, cardio exercise does not necessarily harm testosterone levels provided training emphasizes brief, explosive bursts over sustained endurance efforts.

By incorporating high-intensity sprints into conditioning, mechanical strain triggers anabolic signaling that helps offset catabolic stress pathways.

For example, this study found 30-second stationary bike sprints preserved testosterone levels even when added to endurance training compared to steady state cardio alone.


In summary, as with resistance exercise, intensity matters greatly. While excessive durations of cardio suppresses testosterone over months, brief explosive intervals help counterbalance this side effect when included during training.


In conclusion, outside of acute spikes, cardio training provides no inherent testosterone boosting properties itself. However, regular steady state cardio may help sustain mass and strength long-term through general health improvements whereas chronic excessive volumes likely compromise testosterone production through unrelenting demands. The good news is incorporating high intensity sprints into programming helps mitigate this issue.